Tessa Avermaete - Run & Harvest

Sustainable food and exercise

Insight and action for a strong team

You realize that nutrition and exercise are the basis for a healthy lifestyle. You know that your company or organization would benefit if sustainable food was on the menu and every employee had a pair of sport shoes in his or her closet. But you don’t know where to start?

I gladly help you. Based on science, experience and common sense, and flavoured with personal stories.

Are you just a passer-by, fascinated by sustainable food or running? Then get inspired by my blogs about food and my podcast about running. Or take a look at my running story, written down in the book ‘My journey as a marathoner‘.



As an expert in food and agriculture, I want to inspire companies and organizations and facilitate the dialogue within the company and with external actors


As a marathoner, I want to pass on the running virus to organizations and prepare their employees for running events in a responsible and healthy way.


In ‘My journey as a marathoner’ I take you on a course from childhood to the Berlin Marathon


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A few references

Symen Greven
Collaborating with Tessa never feels like work. Over the years, we’ve worked on some wonderful projects together. For example, we participate annually in the Relay for Life event in Leuven to support the Foundation Against Cancer, and we’ve also organized team-building events for companies, as well as guided ICI PARIS XL in completing the Brussels 20km race. Together, we strive to help people become the best version of themselves. For any running-related questions, Tessa is my go-to person and the first one I think of when considering a new partnership.
Symen Greven
Sympel Fit
David Bamps
When we decided to start OLORIN VZW in 2011, it was a pure soul matter: standing up together for the vulnerable in society and destroying the ring of evil. You can only do that as a Gandalf (Quenya: Olórin), if you know what you are talking about. I know Tessa not only as a socially engaged person who talks about vulnerability and taboo as an academic, but also does it from her own experience with vulnerability and taboo. That explains the authenticity and enchantment that I was able to experience during our many years of collaboration.
David Bamps
Rob Schrauwen
Tessa Avermaete's keynote is knowledgeable, scientifically based, with a large number of practical examples from primary agriculture and the agricultural chain. Sometimes confrontational, but therefore even more inspiring. For thinking about the future of our agriculture and horticulture, with practical guidance. A must for the farmer, the chain parties and (European) policymakers and administrative managers. It is also a pleasure and pleasure to listen to Tessa and to debate with her.
ir. Rob Schrauwen, Projectleider
Rombout Keldermans, BASF
Tessa has already enriched our sustainability events at BASF Antwerp twice with an inspired contribution on sustainable agriculture and food. A very realistic view that has strongly inspired us to combine a healthier lifestyle with a personal contribution to a more sustainable future. A substantiated and fascinating story...
Rombout Keldermans
Prof. Em. André Watteyne , President UDL Kortrijk
On 6 November, Dr. Tessa Avermaete gave a lecture to 600 members of the 'Universiteit Derde Leeftijd' Kortrijk entitled "A healthy future for farmers and citizens". It was a very successful lecture. Tessa Avermaete combined technical knowledge and sensitivity to the various interests surrounding the problem into an informative, nuanced and very instructive story. And this with a lot of pedagogical and rhetorical talent.
Prof. Em. André Watteyne, President
Stefanie De Coster
The guidance for the "20 of Brussels" by Tessa was a great experience! Tessa's coaching and team spirit made the preparation not only effective but also a lot of fun. Thanks to her training schedule, we felt strong and well prepared to take on the challenge.
Stefanie De Coster, Brand, Content & PR Manager Benelux
ICI Paris XL
Gert Engelen
Tessa asks the right critical questions and is so incredibly quick in understanding the dynamics that she is always one step ahead. She brings a positive vibe to the room and it is a great pleasure to work with her. I think she will be the next Minister of Agriculture. Or sports.
Gert Engelen
Elena Garcia Garrido
My experience about Tessa ´s contribution at the EU CAP Network event on 9th of October 2024 in the Forum on Best Practices in the Agri-Food Supply Value Chain was very valuable. She invited participants to consider if the food chain was bro ken or robust, and reminded that whilst we often tend to focus on quality, premium foods and sustainability, we also need to remember that food also has to be supplied in quantity and affordability.
Elena Garcia Garrido, Policy Analyst
Dossche Mills
At the Dossche Mills Terah Summit, Tessa Avermaete delivered an inspiring presentation on the challenges of sustainability in the food sector. She highlighted actionable pathways for a more resilient future. Her insights offered a fresh perspective, sparking meaningful dialogue on balancing ecological responsibility with global food demands.
Jeroen Demeurisse
Stefanie De Coster
The guidance for the "20 of Brussels" by Tessa was a great experience! Tessa's coaching and team spirit made the preparation not only effective but also a lot of fun. Thanks to her training schedule, we felt strong and well prepared to take on the challenge. We enjoyed it!
Stefanie De Coster
ICI Paris XL